How We Help Our Clients
Regardless of the industry, profession, or competitive context, business leaders of every generation face a similar dilemma at some juncture along their journey of growth and impact. They need to ask themselves:
- Am I open to new ways of leading?
How do I reduce my reluctance to change? - How do I take with me what has worked well while letting go of the past?
- Can I become more agile and adopt new ideas?
- How do I renew my confidence for leadership in this age of volatility and uncertainty?
- What do I need to do to lead my colleagues through to our next horizon of success?

It’s easy to become stuck in a rut of comfort and convenience when you’ve had success. Or, if you’re experiencing a significant challenge or crisis, you may embrace indecision and an inability to take action.
Yet, sooner than later, simply maintaining the status quo becomes unsustainable. The disquieting feeling of extended comfort or being frozen in uncertainty becomes restlessness without clarity. How do you become unstuck, get focused on what’s next, and then figure out how to get there?
That’s where we step in.
Boston Business Group is a team of veteran CEOs and other senior executives who consult to, coach, and train C-suite leaders. We help them confidently transform personal vision into operational success.
We guide chief executives and their teams through the struggles experienced by all business leaders at one time or another. Our goal is to help determine the right path and activities required to get you and your organization to the next level and beyond. BBG promotes holistic integration of individual leaders with their teams and the organization enterprise-wide. It is also about paying it forward for others in the community while also balancing family priorities and maintaining physical, mental, and emotional wellness.
The Transformational Impact of Peer Support
For leaders of any stripe and domain, personal and professional growth cannot be achieved in a vacuum. It’s not a solo exercise. Growth is a process that melds inward reflection and inventory with outward experimentation and testing. If change is the desired result, whether in personal skills and behavior or in organizational actions, one must be open to transformations large and small.
BBG believes that for business leaders, the personal and professional are by nature interdependent. You cannot become more effective in the office if you are not whole within yourself. To get there, you need companions on the journey whose own experience parallels in different ways your own.
We offer several pathways, from CEO mentoring, executive coaching and high octane, peer-to-peer support through Vistage International – to individual and team development for achieving specific enterprise initiatives, needs, and goals.
Boston Business Group is a team of veteran CEOs and other senior executives who consult to, coach, and train C-suite leaders. We help them confidently transform personal vision into operational success.
Regardless of where our clients find themselves, all of them recognize that operating with the status quo is not only unsustainable, but largely unfulfilling. Searching for greater meaning and impact, they turn to BBG for guidance and support in that quest. We create opportunities for re-charging or rejuvenation, to restore faith, to explore and test innovations in personal and professional leadership so you may rekindle that early disciplined passion that fueled you to where you are today.
Our approach is both transparent and accountable. In guiding senior executives to be more effective, make fewer mistakes and more fully exploit opportunities, we provide experiential-based answers to important questions. However, it is always with a questioning of the answers and a challenging of assumptions.
Having held executive and operational roles similar to those of our clients, the BBG team is able to quickly assess an organization’s current state and the challenges being faced by its executive leadership team.
Purpose-Focused Leadership in an Age of Uncertainty
There are human fundamentals that are timeless and shouldn’t change: Relating to others with respect, communicating openly and honestly, and contributing to a team as one among equals striving to achieve a commonly-shared goal.
These are essential to forming a foundation for competing in a marketplace all too often fraught with self-centered individualism and a singular notion that success requires winning at any cost.
The operating environment we share has evolved into one fraught with volatility, fleeting control and diminished predictability. “Managing change” has become cliché; the focus is managing the accelerating pace of change. Innovation is the imperative, buttressed by the integration of new technologies such as AI, and complicated by the commoditization, displacing, and reinvention of just about everything!
From the human capital perspective, our work entails meeting leaders and their organizations where they are – whether it’s a next-gen early stage disruptor seeking to upend an industry or a mature chief executive who has ridden a long wave of success but finds the new norm of volatility and uncertainty unsettling.